travel planning

Is this your first holiday season with celiac disease?

Or have you previously attended the holidays and felt like it just sucked the entire time?

I totally get it.

The holidays can be extremely challenging when you have celiac.

It's easy to feel left out and sad because of the focus on food.

Dealing with the anxiety of getting glutened, worrying about rude comments, and having to be the odd person out can be tough!

But if you want to go into this holiday season feeling prepared, supported, and included...

You need a strategy that will boost your self-confidence and have resources & tools to make that happen!

And that's what you can do with this mini course!

Meet Jen: Your Celiac Coach!

After 14+ years with celiac, I know personally how challenging the holidays can be.

I use to spend them either getting glutened, feeling left out, or completely exhausted from speaking up so much.

Now, as a celiac coach, I teach my clients how to become their own best advocates and attend holidays with celiac disease knowing how to stay safe, feel supported, and enjoy them for years to come!

It's all about the GIFT of the holidays:

-You will get in the right mindset for the holiday season with celiac, knowing what to expect and how to prepare yourself emotionally for the holidays being different.

-You will investigate safety so you can plan your food accordingly based on your personal comfort levels and how you feel about others cooking for you.

-You will focus on support by asking others for help and knowing you don't have to bear the burden of your gluten-free diet alone.

-And you will take time to rest so that you can refill your cup and recharge your batteries, preventing holiday burnout!

Then your holidays can look like this:

With this mini course...

You will have a PLAN to stay as safe as possible and feel supported for a food-focused event.

You'll have PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTS so you can quickly speak up for yourself and your gluten-free needs!

You'll have TASTY RECIPES & PRODUCTS you can bring so you get to enjoy your favorite foods in gluten-free form!

You'll have NON-FOOD ACTIVITES to try with your family/friends so you can take a break from worrying about food!

You'll have SELF-CARE practices so you don't burn out from all the decision making, and can recharge your batteries!

AND you'll have VIDEOS from a celiac coach encouraging you every step of the way!

And then you can spend more time making memories, having fun, and enjoying yourself for years to come!

Yes, I'm ready to confidently attend the holidays with celiac!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course only for people with celiac disease?

Yes, this course specifically speaks to those with celiac disease.

What can I expect from taking this mini course?

You can expect short videos, scripts, products, recipes, and resources for attending holidays with celiac disease.

How long does it take to go through the whole course?

This self-paced mini course has no live coaching, and is all pre-recorded. It will take you about 30 minutes max to go through it all.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

I do not allow refunds under any circumstances. I designed this course to to help you feel supported and prepared for the holidays. Please be sure before purchasing.

Do you offer any guaranteed results?

No. There are no guarantees when living with celiac disease in gluten-filled world and food system.

The course includes the exact strategies that I use for navigating the holidays with celiac for 14+ years. But the results of actually applying these methods and feeling prepared have to come from you, your mindset, and the work you put into applying the knowledge you've learned.

Please note I am not a medical professional or healthcare provider nor do I claim to be. This course should not be considered treatment for a gluten-free diet. Please speak to your doctor or healthcare professional regarding treatment for celiac disease.